How-To install instraction “thebridge 1.0.9” on Debian 10.3
Author Alberto Drago IW9HHF echolink conference

add tbd user:
#adduser tbd

install pre-req:
#apt-get install insserv initscripts chkconfig

download thebridge:

untar & unzip:
#tar -zxvf thebridge-1.09.tgz
#cd thebridge-1.09

configure & make:
#cd thebridge-1.09
#sudo make all-recursive

create new tbd.conf file from tbd.conf.sample:
#cd thebridge-1.09
#cp tbd.conf.sample tbd.conf
#vim tbd.conf

start and test service:
/home/debian/thebridge-1.09/src/tbd -d -f /home/debian/thebridge-1.09/tbd.conf

create init script tbd:

### BEGIN INIT INFO Created by Alberto Drago IW9HHF
# Provides: tbd
# Required-Start:
# Required-Stop:
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 6
# Short-Description: tbd
# Description: tbd
/home/debian/thebridge-1.09/src/tbd -d -f /home/debian/thebridge-1.09/tbd.conf

move tbd script to /etc/init.d:
#mv tbd /etc/init.d

check permission (+x):
#chmod +x tbd

add service (tbd) on chkconfig:
#chkconfig --add tbd
#chkconfig --list
#chkconfig --level 2345 tbd on

final check:
#chkconfig --list

tbd 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off

reboot system and verify tbd autostart service tbd:
#ps-ef |grep tbd

root@debian:/home/debian# ps -ef |grep tbd
tbd        408     1  0 apr04 ?        00:00:04 /home/debian/thebridge-1.09/src/tbd -d -f /home/debian/thebridge-1.09/tbd.conf
root     29741 26910  0 01:59 pts/0    00:00:00 grep tbd


Alberto Drago IW9HHF 04/04/2020


how-to install_thebridge.pdf
how-to install_thebridge.pdf
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